September 3rd
6:00pm - Virginia City High School Commons
To join the Boosters just show up to a meeting. We meet every Month at the Virginia City High School Commons area. ​
1) All individuals interested in supporting the objectives of this organization are eligible for membership.
2) Voting privileges are extended to:
a) Individuals who have paid for Boosters Pass(es) and/or,
b) Individuals who have attended at least three consecutive meetings prior
to a vote, and/or
c) Individuals who have worked three or more times in the concession of
the current season.
3) The athletic director, coaches, and assistant coaches – while very welcome at meetings, may not vote.
4) Telephone or email votes are a last option and may be used only in
emergencies, as deemed so by the President.
5) Booster Passes, providing entrance to all Virginia City High School home
athletic events that charge for entrance, are available for $25/one or $50/family.
1) The VC Boosters shall meet on a monthly basis, or as otherwise specified
to accommodate members’ schedules.
2) The annual meeting shall occur in July.
3) The President, or a majority of the Executive Board, may call a special meeting at any time, as needed.
4) VC Boosters meetings are open to all interested persons, though voting
is restricted to those outlined in Article V above.
5) A simple majority of the Executive Board must be present to constitute a
quorum and is required to hold a vote; a simple majority of the Executive
Board and, if present, the paid membership, is needed to pass a motion.
6) Meetings are conducted informally, loosely adhering to Robert’s Rules
of Order.
1) Standing committees shall be formed each year at the July meeting.
a) Chairpersons for each shall be appointed by the President, with
Executive Board concurrence, for a one-year term.
b) Funds necessary for operations shall be determined at the same
2) Standing committees shall be, but are not limited to:
a) Concession Committees
b) Apparel Committee
c) Special Activities Committee
3) The duties of each chairperson are as follows:
Concessions, to include Football, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball,
Track and Baseball:
a) Purchase all supplies necessary for operation of the
b) Oversee the operation of the concession with volunteers at
all applicable sports events, or appoint a designee;
c) Account for all monies received on a “Concession
Accounting Sheet”.
a) Purchase and manage sports apparel inventory;
b) Oversee the operation of the apparel with volunteers at all
applicable sports events;
c) Account for all monies received on the “Apparel Counting Sheet”.
Special Activities:
a) Coordinate and promote annual activities including, but not
limited to:
1. Meet the Team nights;
2. Program Rosters;
3. Various fundraisers;
b) Account for any monies received;
c) Keep the VC Boosters briefed on the status of the special activity
Sponsors are the live blood of the Virginia City Boosters!! We rely on sponsors to help our athletes become successful!
Please visit our sponsors!!
Reno Orthopedic Center (ROC)
Our new Girls Coach! Tyler and Kerry Clarke
V&T Rock
Dayton Pizza Factory
Coons Construction
Plumbers & Outfitters - Local 350
Gold Hill Hotel
The Pradere Family
The Markert Family
The Kelley Family
The Hess Family
Hess Construction
VC Motorcycle Club
Jeep Posse
Moundhouse True Value- Russ and Pam Brandon
Café Del Rio
Divide Fitness
Ryan’s Rock and Hoe
Peas & Carrots Daycare
Basin Street Properties
Priscilla Pennyworths Old Time Photos
Stagecoach Storage
Bucket of Blood Saloon
Garters and Bloomers Old time Photos
Virginia City Jerky Company
Hugh Gallagher
Reno Rensport
Highlands Electric
Hames Family
Chandler Family
Thompson Family
Silver Queen
Miles Construction
Sugarloaf Motel
On The Side Graphics